A Defensive Driving Course should be every drivers list of things to check off. Defensive driving is an important skill for all drivers to learn and practice. It is a way of driving that focuses on safety and prevention of accidents. Accordingly, defensive driving encompasses a set of driving skills that allows a driver to anticipate dangerous situations, and take action to avoid them. It is a proactive approach to driving that helps to reduce the risk of accidents and injuries.

A defensive driving course helps you understand that the attitude of the driver is all important. So, naturally, a defensive driver is alert and aware of their surroundings. They pay attention to the road and other drivers and anticipate potential hazards. As a result, a defensive driver will also adjust their speed and position to account for the conditions of the road and other drivers.

The first step to becoming a defensive driver is to understand the rules of the road. Defensive driver trainingAll drivers should be familiar with the laws and regulations that govern their area. This includes speed limits, right-of-way rules, and other safety regulations. Knowing the rules will allow a driver to form good safe driving habits.

Understanding the environmental conditions of the road is important to a defensive driver. This includes being aware of the weather, visibility, and other factors that can affect driving. A self-awareness of your own limitations, such as fatigue and distractions is also extremely important. This is why defensive driver courses will reinforce habits that you need to rely on.

What about those around me?

Defensive driving involves being acutely aware of drivers around you. In order to be able to take evasive action, drivers require very good situational awareness. It is therefore important to be aware of the potential for aggressive driving, and to avoid engaging in it.

Being prepared for the unexpected is a defensive drivers best tool. As a result, drivers should therefore be prepared for sudden changes in the road including animals or debris. It is important to assume that other drivers will not follow the rules of the road. As such, a defensive driver is always prepared to take evasive action.

Defensive driving is an important skill for all drivers to learn and practice. It is a proactive approach to driving that helps to reduce the risk of accidents and injuries. It is therefore important that we are aware of the rules of the road, the conditions of the road, and other drivers, drivers can reduce the risk of an accident. Defensive driving is an important skill that all drivers should learn and practice.

Sign up for our lifetime access to digital training, including defensive driving courses online with our Advanced Driving Academy. Help yourself to become a skilled and safe driver.

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